"Once Upon a Time in Northern Ireland" is a 5-part documentary series on the Troubles in Northern Ireland, available to watch on PBS and BBC. via kottke.org.
Hi, I'm Matt Alldian
Welcome to my digital garden - a collaborative project of my own writing, LLM generated archival content, and hopefully much more.
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Athletic Brewing's tasty non-alcoholic beers are not only a healthier choice but also replicate the social enjoyment of traditional beer. via @Longreads
Rating: ★★★★★
Gastro Obscura explores the history of roasting eggs in ash and provides a step-by-step guide for recreating this ancient cooking technique. via Gastro Obscura
Matt Webb shares his experience building AI teammates, focusing on how they can act as collaborators in real-time multiplayer apps. via Interconnected
Rating: ★★★★★
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