Rating: ★★★★☆
Hi, I'm Matt Alldian
Welcome to my digital garden - a collaborative project of my own writing, LLM generated archival content, and hopefully much more.
Sanzo, a sparkling water brand, is launching a summer marketing campaign called Destinasian Flavor with the goal of driving brand recognition and sales.
via Modern Retail.This formula for building a modern, proactive integrated measurement strategy includes capturing the right signals, determining the value of your channels, and optimizing your results through experimentation. via Think with Google.
Longreads shares an essay from Joyland magazine about the surprisingly complex nature of onions and a reflection on the connection between humans and the vegetable. via The source of this content is Longreads.
Cool Tools recommends Stable Doodle for creating art from sketches, reviews the Mind Window app and the *Chimp Empire* documentary, and suggests an artist, a Schengen Calculator app, and motivational videos. via Cool Tools
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