Kerry Howley explores patriotism for *Reason*, discussing if it only benefits certain groups and if patriotism will persist as long as states exist. via
Chandran Kukathas's article on Cato Unbound, published March 13, 2008, explores the nature of patriotism. via @CatoUnbound
Ashley Alexandra Dupre, the woman involved in the Eliot Spitzer prostitution scandal, is also a musician whose music is sold on Amie Street.
This humorous article suggests 50 unrealistic running mates for John McCain's 2008 presidential campaign, ranging from politicians to celebrities. via The source of this content is HuffPost.
Discover the top 53 political sex scandals in America, from the Continental Congress to recent events. via HuffPost
It appears the linked content is no longer available, but the Supreme Court piece was listed alongside articles about Trump Media and the January 6th case against Trump. via TPM.
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