Tyler Cowen argues in his latest NYT column that the 2008 election won't drastically change economic policy, despite the candidates' promises. via Marginal REVOLUTION
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Due to a hops shortage, Sam Adams is selling 20,000 pounds of its extra hops to microbreweries at cost. via Reddit.com
In his book Scratch Beginnings, Adam Shepard documents his experience living for a year with only $25 and his belongings. via kottke.org
Tyler Cowen shares an article that discusses whether death is truly irreversible.
via The source of this content is Marginal REVOLUTION.Alex Tabarrok jokes about an economist's Valentine's Day gift on his blog, Marginal Revolution. via Marginal Revolution
Mike Jacobsen's cartoon from February 14, 2008, titled "It wasn’t just ET’s finger that glowed", sparked humorous interpretations in the comments.
via See Mike Draw.
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