Tyler Cowen examines a Mark Bittman article about meat production and contrasts the efficiency of raising different animals for meat with potential animal welfare concerns. via The source of this content is Marginal Revolution.
It appears there may have been an error accessing this Reddit page. via Reddit
Smugglers at the US/Mexico border are using creative disguises for their trucks, including familiar logos like FedEx and Walmart, to move drugs, money, and people across the border. One truck even featured markings from multiple competing companies and a suspicious phone number. via kottke.org
Research on observation effects shows that golfers perform worse when Tiger Woods is in the tournament, women are more likely to be published when their gender is unknown, and squirrels pretend to bury nuts when being watched.
via kottke.org
This post links to an article that compares the United States' current GDP with that of other countries throughout history. In 1820, China and India combined produced almost half of the world's economic output, while the US only produced 1.8%.
via kottke.org.
Kottke.org shares an interview with a hedge fund manager discussing the sub-prime mortgage crisis. via kottke.org
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