This article critiques French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s proposal to introduce a Tobin tax on financial transactions, comparing his argument to Soviet ideology. via ThinkMarkets
Teacher performance pay leads to higher math and language scores for students, according to a new study discussed on Marginal Revolution.
via Marginal RevolutionA article reports that the Senate Finance Committee rejected Senator Jay Rockefeller's proposal to add a public option to the healthcare reform bill. via
Marginal Revolution is an economics blog written by Alex Tabarrok and Tyler Cowen, linking to their online education platform and more.
via The source of this content is Marginal Revolution.Foreign Policy magazine compiled a list of crazy things world leaders have said in U.N. speeches, including quotes from Fidel Castro, Yasser Arafat, and Muammar al-Qaddafi. via reports on a parent-led movement in Los Angeles demanding school choice after LAUSD voted to allow some of its schools to become charter schools. via
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