Humorist Dave Barry's work has been deemed "patently offensive" and censored by some college administrators.
via - Free Minds and Free Markets2009
Jesse Walker provides his Morning Links, covering topics ranging from Iranian missile tests to the G20 summit. via
This blog post compares Joseph Stiglitz's and Ed Prescott's viewpoints on the 2008 financial crisis – was it fear-based tactics or fear itself that tanked the economy?
via Marginal Revolution.
The FDA's ban on candy and fruit flavored cigarettes might be pointless, as major tobacco companies already stopped producing them years ago, and teen smoking rates are at historic lows. via
The Mises Institute shares articles covering topics such as critiques of Keynesian economics and the Federal Reserve, discussions of freedom of association and economic calculation, and the history of Title IX. via Mises Institute
Tyler Cowen suggests Robert Pozen's "Too Big to Save" as the best source for learning about the 2008 financial crisis, explaining its complexities in an easy-to-understand way.
via Marginal Revolution.
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