Dell is diversifying from its core hardware business by buying IT services company Perot Systems for $3.9 billion. via The Economist
Al Jazeera provides live news updates on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, including Hezbollah rocket attacks and Israel's bombing of Beirut.
via The source of this content is Al Jazeera.FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski outlines a vision for government oversight of the internet.
via Reason.comGaming consoles in the US use enough energy that if they were a city, it would be the 9th largest in the US. via
This article from *Reason* argues President Obama's mandate for health insurance is driven by the need to offset high-risk patients, not by uncompensated care as he claims. via
Katherine Mangu-Ward writes about how Slate writers are pushing back against bans and regulations, such as a proposed outdoor smoking ban in NYC.
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