David Lebovitz shares his recipe for gremolata, a simple condiment made with parsley, lemon, and garlic. via davidlebovitz.com
eBay Roundup helps readers find deals on menswear, featuring vintage Polo finds and curated links to suits, shirts, shoes, and more. via Put This On
Chef Brandon Chrostowski and filmmaker Tom Lennon discuss their Oscar-nominated documentary "Knife Skills," which follows the opening of Chrostowski's Cleveland restaurant staffed by formerly incarcerated individuals. via Special Sauce.
This article shares 31 design techniques for creating creative two-letter logos. via Digital Synopsis.
This Fast Company article details how making a food documentary has changed David Chang's outlook.
via fastcompany.comMitch Joel, Alistair Croll, and Hugh McGuire exchange links they find interesting, this week covering topics like Netflix vs. Blockbuster and wearable mind-reading scanners. via Six Pixels of Separation
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