A new paper reviews Sora, a text-to-video AI model, covering its background, applications, challenges, and future directions.
via Hugging Face.2024
This blog post on kottke.org ponders the shift in technology from a more optimistic "Star Trek" era to a present resembling Douglas Adams' comedic and absurd worlds.
via kottke.org
This in-depth analysis by Tim Dettmers examines the best GPUs for deep learning in 2023, covering topics like GPU functionality, important specs, and recommendations for different needs. via Tim Dettmers
A data scientist experimented with using incentives and penalties in ChatGPT prompts to see how they impacted output quality, but found no conclusive results. via minimaxir.com.
This issue of Recomendo recommends resources about space exploration, finding cheap hard drives, searching the old internet, and more.
via Recomendo.
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