Helen Rosner reviews Ilis, a new Brooklyn tasting-menu restaurant from Noma co-founder Mads Refslund, finding beautiful plating and unique textures and temperatures, though not all dishes were successful.
via The New Yorker
Helen Rosner reviews Ilis, a new Brooklyn tasting-menu restaurant from Noma co-founder Mads Refslund, finding beautiful plating and unique textures and temperatures, though not all dishes were successful.
via The New Yorker
Tyler Cowen recently discussed his implicit theology, literature, and NGDP targeting on the Undertone podcast, hosted by Dan Schulz. via Marginal Revolution.
Chef John’s Food Wishes Video Recipes from January 9, 2024 features his take on Yakamein, a noodle soup from New Orleans.
A TV show review of "For All Mankind," describing it as a reliably pro-progress and optimistic sci-fi series. via Faster, Please!
Jason Kottke thinks a 100-layer lasagna sounds delicious but impractical to make. One commenter compared the lasagna to the film "Big Night".
via kottke.org
A blog post discusses a new Coca-Cola commercial directed by Christopher Storer, the creator of the TV show "The Bear". via kottke.org.
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