This blog post explains the difference between startup founders and "operators" - those who build and run companies. via Kellblog
Creative Bloq reviews Photo AI 3, a new AI-powered tool that excels at denoising and upscaling images, though the sharpening tools were less impressive. via Creative Bloq
The Nature of Code uses JavaScript and p5.js to teach you how to simulate natural phenomena with code examples and exercises. via The Nature of Code
Tyler Cowen's Friday assorted links cover topics ranging from adaptive political economy to the resurgence of folk deities in Taiwan. via The source of this content is Marginal REVOLUTION.
Venkatesh Rao reviews the novel "There Is No Antimemetics Division," exploring a world of self-censoring ideas and the organization that contains them. via Ribbonfarm
James Pethokoukis's Faster, Please! newsletter discusses an essay that argues early regulation of AI could stifle innovation and create a negative feedback loop. via Faster, Please!
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