Longreads rounds up some of their favorite reported essays of 2023, covering topics like geological memory and life in Pompeii.
via @Longreads
Longreads rounds up some of their favorite reported essays of 2023, covering topics like geological memory and life in Pompeii.
via @Longreads
Matt Webb shares a strategic framework for how tech-savvy organizations can approach AI, emphasizing systematic exploration and knowledge building. via Interconnected
Modern AI acts as a tool to discover hidden structures in data, similar to how a camera reveals the unseen.
via Ribbonfarm StudioSaturday Assorted Links from Tyler Cowen's blog discuss free speech, AI, and more. via Marginal REVOLUTION.
Tyler Cowen suggests a resource from Andrej Karpathy of Open AI as a starting point to learn about LLMs.
Jason Kottke compares AI-generated video to early filmmaking, finding the outputs to be short, experimental, and uncannily realistic. via kottke.org
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